International Energy and Power Information Platform

1. Global clean and low-carbon energy power generation has become evenly matched with coal power.

According to the latest world energy statistics released by BP, global coal power generation accounted for 36.4% in 2019; and the total proportion of clean and low-carbon power generation (renewable energy + nuclear power) was also 36.4%. This is the first time in history that coal and electricity are equivalent. (Source: International Energy Small Data)


2. Global photovoltaic power generation costs will fall by 80% in 10 years

Recently, according to the “2019 Renewable Energy Power Generation Cost Report” released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in the past 10 years, among various types of renewable energy, the average cost of photovoltaic power generation (LOCE) has dropped the most, exceeding 80%. As technology continues to advance, the scale of newly installed capacity continues to increase, and industry competition continues to escalate, the trend of rapid decline in the cost of photovoltaic power generation will continue. It is expected that the price of photovoltaic power generation next year will be 1/5 of that of coal-fired power generation. (Source: China Energy Network)

3. IRENA: The cost of photothermal power generation can be reduced to as low as 4.4 cents/kWh

Recently, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) publicly released the “Global Renewables Outlook 2020″ (Global Renewables Outlook 2020). According to IRENA statistics, the LCOE of solar thermal power generation fell by 46% between 2012 and 2018. At the same time, IRENA predicts that by 2030, the cost of solar thermal power stations in G20 countries will drop to 8.6 cents/kWh, and the cost range of solar thermal power generation will also shrink to 4.4 cents/kWh-21.4 cents/kWh. (Source: International New Energy Solutions Platform)

4. “Mekong Sun Village” launched in Myanmar
Recently, the Shenzhen International Exchange and Cooperation Foundation and the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation of Myanmar jointly launched the first phase of the “Mekong Sun Village” Myanmar project in Magway Province, Myanmar, and paid tribute to Ashay Thiri in Mugoku Town, the province. A total of 300 small distributed solar power generation systems and 1,700 solar lamps were donated to households, temples and schools in the two villages of Ywar Thit and Ywar Thit. In addition, the project also donated 32 sets of medium-sized distributed solar power systems to support the Myanmar community library project. (Source: Diinsider grassroots change maker)

5. The Philippines will stop building new coal power plants
Recently, the Philippine Congress’ Climate Change Committee passed House of Representatives Resolution 761, which includes stopping the construction of any new coal power plants. This resolution is consistent with the position of the Philippine Department of Energy. At the same time, the Philippines’ largest coal and electricity conglomerates Ayala, Aboitiz and San Miguel also expressed their vision to transition to renewable energy. (Source: International Energy Small Data)

6. IEA releases report on “Climate Impacts on Hydropower in Africa”
Recently, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a special report on “The Impact of Climate on Hydropower in Africa”, which focused on the impact of rising global temperatures on the development of hydropower in Africa. It pointed out that the development of hydropower will help Africa achieve a “clean” energy transition and promote sustainable development. Development is of great significance, and we call on African governments to promote hydropower construction in terms of policies and funds, and fully consider the impact of climate change on hydropower operation and development. (Source: Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization)

7. ADB joins hands with commercial banks to raise US$300 million in syndicated financing for China Water Environment Group
On June 23, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and China Water Environment Group (CWE) signed a $300 million Type B joint financing to help China restore water ecosystems and resist floods. ADB has provided a direct loan of US$150 million to CWE to support the improvement of water quality in rivers and lakes in western China. ADB also provided a technical assistance grant of US$260,000 through the Water Finance Partnership Facility it manages to help upgrade wastewater treatment standards, improve sludge management, and increase energy efficiency in wastewater treatment processes. (Source: Asian Development Bank)

8. The German government gradually removes obstacles to the development of photovoltaic and wind power

According to Reuters, the cabinet meeting discussed lifting the upper limit on solar power installations (52 million kilowatts) and canceling the requirement that wind turbines must be 1,000 meters away from homes. The final decision on the minimum distance between houses and wind turbines will be made by German states. The government makes its own decisions depending on the situation, which will help Germany achieve its goal of 65% green energy production by 2030. (Source: International Energy Small Data)

9. Kazakhstan: Wind power becomes the main force of renewable energy

Recently, the United Nations Development Program stated that Kazakhstan’s renewable energy market is developing rapidly. In the past three years, the country’s renewable energy power generation has doubled, with wind power development being the most prominent. In the first quarter of this year, wind power accounted for 45% of its total renewable energy generation. (Source: China Energy Network)

10. Berkeley University: The United States can achieve 100% renewable energy power generation by 2045

Recently, the latest research report from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that with the rapid decline in the cost of renewable energy power generation, the United States can achieve 100% renewable energy power generation by 2045. (Source: Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization)

11. During the epidemic, U.S. photovoltaic module shipments increased and prices dropped slightly

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) released the “Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipment Report”. In 2020, after a slow start, the United States achieved record module shipments in March. However, shipments dropped significantly in April due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, cost per watt hit record lows in March and April. (Source: Polaris Solar Photovoltaic Network)

Related introduction:

The International Energy and Electric Power Information Platform was commissioned by the National Energy Administration to be constructed by the General Institute of Hydropower and Water Conservancy Planning and Design. It is responsible for collecting, statistics and analyzing information on international energy policy planning, technology progress, project construction and other information, and providing data and technical support for international energy cooperation.

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“Information Weekly” is one of the series products of the International Energy and Power Information Platform. Closely observe cutting-edge trends such as international policy planning and industry development of renewable energy, and collect international hot information in the field every week.


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